废,颓废,很颓废,非常颓废。两点醒来,开眼睛,开房门,开电脑,开电视,开风扇,关起思路。坐在电视前面,有好戏就看,没有好戏,照看。幸运的话在电视电脑上面能消磨掉四,五个小时左右,留言,看留言,炸人,被人炸,用键盘打字,看时间流逝。六点到八点,吃饭,冲凉。晚上,幸运的话朋友ajok喝茶,不幸的话没有朋友ajok喝茶。没有茶喝的话,抓起吉他,坐下来弹奏,没有旋律,一直走音。半夜,懒惰睡觉,在电脑前面一呆就到四,五点(没错,是凌晨),才甘愿去睡觉。假期就是如斯的颓废。这篇颓废的篇章,结结实实的反映出了我颓废的假期生活。幸亏下个礼拜,有机会到kl去逛逛了(前提是我还必须度过五天的颓废煎熬)。bak kata pepatah:吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 =)
oh a long and winding holiday...
yeah it's holiday again.and i dun bother to celebrate.frankly i prefer school day.to me holiday implies a long and boring period of my life journey...some may disagree yeah, as they travel and they keep on traveling.for me,as a man who never step out from my motherland (well...once),wat's the fun for traveling to the same place all over again?
i must emphasize tat envious and greed hold a large part in my personality.so i'll never enjoy a walk in supermarket unless i hav a clear list on wat i'm going to buy.in the contrary,most people i travel with enjoys going to mall just hanging around not buying anything.well maybe tat's my flaw,which i dun bother to care.and anyway,i always prefer to travel to somewhere closer to nature rather thn a bustling town.i hate cities.it gives me a feeling of vacancy,and the absence of humanity.so folks,whoever which is organizing a trip to cameron highland or any beaches(excluding PCB),do invite me kay?
so wat am i doing in the holiday?the answer is clear and i can tell u loudly :i did NTH to date.i spend my time loafing around.the one and only accomplishment i had done is tat i had manufacture a present box out of raw materials.although the result juz "so so",i'm feeling lucky for having the determination to do so.because it took days and nights to finish.i hav only one thing left to do with the present now. to deliver it.=)by the way maybe god wants me to study in the holiday because my PS2 broke down in a sudden and my laptop's processing speed is getting slower and slower.i think it's death is getting nearer and nearer now.i hope tat i can force myself to start study now.
i'm unclear about wat i'm writing,as my mind is now clogging with boredom and i'm satisfied with myself for being able to squeeze an article out of nothing at all.if tml i was found dead on my bed,dun doubt the fact tat i was killed due to brain tumor,which consist of numerous cancer tissues called "lameness" and "decadence".may god bless me~ Hallelujah T.T
i must emphasize tat envious and greed hold a large part in my personality.so i'll never enjoy a walk in supermarket unless i hav a clear list on wat i'm going to buy.in the contrary,most people i travel with enjoys going to mall just hanging around not buying anything.well maybe tat's my flaw,which i dun bother to care.and anyway,i always prefer to travel to somewhere closer to nature rather thn a bustling town.i hate cities.it gives me a feeling of vacancy,and the absence of humanity.so folks,whoever which is organizing a trip to cameron highland or any beaches(excluding PCB),do invite me kay?
so wat am i doing in the holiday?the answer is clear and i can tell u loudly :i did NTH to date.i spend my time loafing around.the one and only accomplishment i had done is tat i had manufacture a present box out of raw materials.although the result juz "so so",i'm feeling lucky for having the determination to do so.because it took days and nights to finish.i hav only one thing left to do with the present now. to deliver it.=)by the way maybe god wants me to study in the holiday because my PS2 broke down in a sudden and my laptop's processing speed is getting slower and slower.i think it's death is getting nearer and nearer now.i hope tat i can force myself to start study now.
i'm unclear about wat i'm writing,as my mind is now clogging with boredom and i'm satisfied with myself for being able to squeeze an article out of nothing at all.if tml i was found dead on my bed,dun doubt the fact tat i was killed due to brain tumor,which consist of numerous cancer tissues called "lameness" and "decadence".may god bless me~ Hallelujah T.T
假期了...不能出去喝茶,因为晚上整个kb都是buka puasa 后马来人的地盘,mamak档10点才开始开店,他们的休闲活动十一点才正式开始,就一直吃到他们斋戒的时间再度开始...夜生活.wat can i say?
渴望开学...我比以前更废了,最近我爱上了Emo这个字 =X
假期了...不能出去喝茶,因为晚上整个kb都是buka puasa 后马来人的地盘,mamak档10点才开始开店,他们的休闲活动十一点才正式开始,就一直吃到他们斋戒的时间再度开始...夜生活.wat can i say?
渴望开学...我比以前更废了,最近我爱上了Emo这个字 =X
五月!很多人过生日,也很多人没过生日。-.- 而我也开始了我的中六生涯。话说在报读前夕,我还特地的剪短了头发,收拾好心情,提早睡觉(十点就睡了nih)。第二天,到学校,很多人,mood很high。
突然!一种不祥预感涌上心头。我的file好像留在老豆车上了。Bulls××t。报考form 6一定要带报生纸,成绩等等...而那些文件全部悠悠哉哉的躺在file里,而file就悠悠哉哉的躺在我老豆车上,而我老豆正悠悠哉哉的驾车前往Machang收账...oh..有种出师未捷身先死的感觉,把我在form 6的前程蒙上了阴影。点解??!!(万梓良在《流氓大亨》里的成名句)不过即使我有那些文件,我钱包里也没有那张写着RM100的紫色钞票。其实注定了啦,今天注定要空手而归了的。明天报读,so what?(另一万梓良在《流氓大亨》里之座右铭)
就这样,一天又颓废的度过了,幸亏第二天还有得报读(其实文件是其次,最重要的应该是紫色的那张..)。Orientasi!沉闷的又不可缺少的活动,校方还特地安排了几位upper six的家伙来带动我们..那几个家伙很努力,不过讲实话是没什么成功。他们尽了一切努力让我们开心,而我们也尽了一切努力来装活跃,扮开心了来使他们开心。这种意识虽然虚伪,不过其实实行起来,能避免很多问题,何乐而不为?(其实是接口..)
注:《流氓大亨》:(英文:The Feud of Two Brothers),香港無綫電視1986年出品的連續劇,由鄭裕玲,萬梓良主演。主題曲《城市足印》、片尾曲《婚紗背後》由徐小鳳主唱。此劇是典型的恩怨情仇戲,劇中主角萬梓良憑精湛演技轟動華人世界,奠定其一線地位。 (概述载自维基百科)=)
突然!一种不祥预感涌上心头。我的file好像留在老豆车上了。Bulls××t。报考form 6一定要带报生纸,成绩等等...而那些文件全部悠悠哉哉的躺在file里,而file就悠悠哉哉的躺在我老豆车上,而我老豆正悠悠哉哉的驾车前往Machang收账...oh..有种出师未捷身先死的感觉,把我在form 6的前程蒙上了阴影。点解??!!(万梓良在《流氓大亨》里的成名句)不过即使我有那些文件,我钱包里也没有那张写着RM100的紫色钞票。其实注定了啦,今天注定要空手而归了的。明天报读,so what?(另一万梓良在《流氓大亨》里之座右铭)
就这样,一天又颓废的度过了,幸亏第二天还有得报读(其实文件是其次,最重要的应该是紫色的那张..)。Orientasi!沉闷的又不可缺少的活动,校方还特地安排了几位upper six的家伙来带动我们..那几个家伙很努力,不过讲实话是没什么成功。他们尽了一切努力让我们开心,而我们也尽了一切努力来装活跃,扮开心了来使他们开心。这种意识虽然虚伪,不过其实实行起来,能避免很多问题,何乐而不为?(其实是接口..)
注:《流氓大亨》:(英文:The Feud of Two Brothers),香港無綫電視1986年出品的連續劇,由鄭裕玲,萬梓良主演。主題曲《城市足印》、片尾曲《婚紗背後》由徐小鳳主唱。此劇是典型的恩怨情仇戲,劇中主角萬梓良憑精湛演技轟動華人世界,奠定其一線地位。 (概述载自维基百科)=)
话说事发周末,东方钟表行之东主之兄长之儿子,也就是我的堂哥,由于考试而无法回到KK度日。而正巧,匪徒就选择在这个完美天时地利人和的情况下出手。很多人一定很好奇,事情是不是真的这么巧?还是当中,其实有个幕后黑手在暗暗操控?换着是平时,事发的时间,堂兄可能还在楼上上网,而以堂兄的身手,绝对能与匪徒大战几个回合并处于上风。讲到这里我们不得不联想到的主谋就是:老师... -,-。身为老师的,对于学生的家庭背景和情况等资料绝对了若指掌,而且我国外劳人数繁多,工资便宜,恐怕以一粒鸡蛋的价格,就能够获得一名非法外劳的效命了,所以以我的推断,那位监考的老师绝对有可能就是此案的幕后黑手...不过这些我们暂时交给警察去处理,我们focus于案件的发生。
1) 马来西亚治安:(形容词)用于比喻事情到达的一个糟糕的无法形容的地步,而有关当局却没有对此作出任何的补救。
话说事发周末,东方钟表行之东主之兄长之儿子,也就是我的堂哥,由于考试而无法回到KK度日。而正巧,匪徒就选择在这个完美天时地利人和的情况下出手。很多人一定很好奇,事情是不是真的这么巧?还是当中,其实有个幕后黑手在暗暗操控?换着是平时,事发的时间,堂兄可能还在楼上上网,而以堂兄的身手,绝对能与匪徒大战几个回合并处于上风。讲到这里我们不得不联想到的主谋就是:老师... -,-。身为老师的,对于学生的家庭背景和情况等资料绝对了若指掌,而且我国外劳人数繁多,工资便宜,恐怕以一粒鸡蛋的价格,就能够获得一名非法外劳的效命了,所以以我的推断,那位监考的老师绝对有可能就是此案的幕后黑手...不过这些我们暂时交给警察去处理,我们focus于案件的发生。
1) 马来西亚治安:(形容词)用于比喻事情到达的一个糟糕的无法形容的地步,而有关当局却没有对此作出任何的补救。
Tagged (again)
1.What have you been doing recently?
- Loitering.
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
- it turn itself off very often.
3. What happened at 10.00 am today?
- Good question.I've passed my driving test.
4. When did you last cry?
- Before i stop crying for the last time.
5. Believe in fate/destiny?
- i'll believe if i can change it.
6. What do you want in your life right now?
- a girl maybe.
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
- i drive.
8. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
- everybody wanna Sheet.
9. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What's the nicest text in your inbox says?
- nice texts always located in the "outbox"
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
- they're already complicated.
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
- Never.
13. What was the last movie you caught?
- ..... SKIP!
14. What are you proud of?
- I'm ordinary.
15. What does the oldest message in your inbox says?
- My mailbox outdated.
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
- Yesterday~~~
17. Do you have any nicknames?
- err...think so.
18. What does your last received message say?
- "You call me for wat?"
21. Who gives you best advice?
- Everyone tat gives good advices.none are best.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
- i eat it from the plastic container.
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
- The phone operator.She told me "sorry please try later.."
24. Is anyone bugging you right now?
- No.
25. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
- Reina Slipped.
26. Do you wear toe socks?
- No.
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- forgotten.
28. Have you ever had your heart broken?
- No.they're still intact.
29. Who annoys you the most in person?
- a pessimistic girl.i call her "her"
30. Do you have any crush on anyone?
- mentally ya.and i almost crush someone during car lesson.
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
- No.
32. What is the colour of your room?
- White.
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
- make it double thn deal.
34. Do you believe in the saying of: talk is cheap?
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
- ...
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
- My dog.hehe...
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
38. Do you have a life?
- an unwelcomed one.
39. Have you ever thought someone died when they really didn't die?
- I'm alive while i'm not.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
- Profiles my profile.
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
43. Have you changed this year?
- perhaps.
44. What are you listening right now?
-The PORTO-MU football commentary!
45. Are you talking to someone when you're doing this?
- Nope.I'm prefectly alone.
46. Do you walk with your eyes opened or closed?
- Opened.Blinking sometimes.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
48. Do you have someone you cannot have?
- Myself.
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
- Kill someone tat pissed me off.i ended up blocking him/her.
51. What were you doing last night at 11pm?
- Sleeping.
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
- no.Due to tat it's empty right now.
53. What song best decribed your love life?
- Ricky Martin-Nobody wants to be lonely.
54. Does the person knows that you like him/her?
- God knows.
55. Who always make you laugh?
56. Do you speak other language other than english?
-ya.4 other languages.
57. Favourite website(s)?
- dozens.
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
- Blinking my eyes and keep on breathing.
60. Who do you think you are like?
- No one ever resembles me.
61. Who will you choose to die with?
- i wont drag the others wif me.
62. Where have you been today?
- Yakin Pandu,Fa-qih futsal... blabla..
63. What game do you play often?
- Sushido!
64. Who are you missing right now?
- a friend.a special friend.
65. If you have to choose between friend and love, who will you choose?
-...F××K it.
66. What are you doing right now?
- Hitting the keypad.
67. Which primary school are you from?
- 1/2 Chung Hwa,1/2 Peir Chih.
68. Name 3 colours that you like.
- Red,Orange,Whitish Silver.
69. What emoticon you like to show?
- = =
70. What is your life to you?
- Challenging.
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
- Destroy it.
72. Who did you last chat on msn today?
- i prefer not to disclose.
73. Who do you admire most?
- Van Der Vaart.
74. Which month are you born in?
- March.
75. How are you feeling right now?
- Happy.
76. What's the time now?
- GMT +8 1921
77. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
- Black,the natural colour dye.
79. Why are you doing this?
- who knows?
80. What do you do when you're moody?
- Dreaming Out LOUD.
81. At which age you wish to get married?
- no marriage.
82. Who is more important to you?
- Everyone who cares bout me.
83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
-Hope tat it's not the last day of my life.
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
- Anyone who can make Man United crowned.
85. Do you believe in seeing rainbow after a rain?
- It's a Fact.and i believe it.
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
- to have every dream come true.
87. What is your goal for this year?
- many..
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
- if afterlife exist thn i do.
89. What feeling do you love most?
- Sweetness.
90. Do you really think its global warming now?
91. What feeling do you hate most?
- Every bad feeling.
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
- ya.
93.Do you believe in God?
- I believe god is an different thing.
94. Who cares for you most?
- My parents.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Enjoy life.
96. What will you bring when you fight
- A hand of friendship.
97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
- Failed to score more As in SPM.
98. What would you feel if no one longer cares for you?
- as long as i care for myself,i wont die.
99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
- Make it 3 for her.
100. How do you feel now?
- Disgusted.
- Loitering.
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
- it turn itself off very often.
3. What happened at 10.00 am today?
- Good question.I've passed my driving test.
4. When did you last cry?
- Before i stop crying for the last time.
5. Believe in fate/destiny?
- i'll believe if i can change it.
6. What do you want in your life right now?
- a girl maybe.
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
- i drive.
8. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
- everybody wanna Sheet.
9. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What's the nicest text in your inbox says?
- nice texts always located in the "outbox"
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
- they're already complicated.
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
- Never.
13. What was the last movie you caught?
- ..... SKIP!
14. What are you proud of?
- I'm ordinary.
15. What does the oldest message in your inbox says?
- My mailbox outdated.
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
- Yesterday~~~
17. Do you have any nicknames?
- err...think so.
18. What does your last received message say?
- "You call me for wat?"
21. Who gives you best advice?
- Everyone tat gives good advices.none are best.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
- i eat it from the plastic container.
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
- The phone operator.She told me "sorry please try later.."
24. Is anyone bugging you right now?
- No.
25. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
- Reina Slipped.
26. Do you wear toe socks?
- No.
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- forgotten.
28. Have you ever had your heart broken?
- No.they're still intact.
29. Who annoys you the most in person?
- a pessimistic girl.i call her "her"
30. Do you have any crush on anyone?
- mentally ya.and i almost crush someone during car lesson.
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
- No.
32. What is the colour of your room?
- White.
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
- make it double thn deal.
34. Do you believe in the saying of: talk is cheap?
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
- ...
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
- My dog.hehe...
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
38. Do you have a life?
- an unwelcomed one.
39. Have you ever thought someone died when they really didn't die?
- I'm alive while i'm not.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
- Profiles my profile.
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
43. Have you changed this year?
- perhaps.
44. What are you listening right now?
-The PORTO-MU football commentary!
45. Are you talking to someone when you're doing this?
- Nope.I'm prefectly alone.
46. Do you walk with your eyes opened or closed?
- Opened.Blinking sometimes.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
48. Do you have someone you cannot have?
- Myself.
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
- Kill someone tat pissed me off.i ended up blocking him/her.
51. What were you doing last night at 11pm?
- Sleeping.
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
- no.Due to tat it's empty right now.
53. What song best decribed your love life?
- Ricky Martin-Nobody wants to be lonely.
54. Does the person knows that you like him/her?
- God knows.
55. Who always make you laugh?
56. Do you speak other language other than english?
-ya.4 other languages.
57. Favourite website(s)?
- dozens.
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
- Blinking my eyes and keep on breathing.
60. Who do you think you are like?
- No one ever resembles me.
61. Who will you choose to die with?
- i wont drag the others wif me.
62. Where have you been today?
- Yakin Pandu,Fa-qih futsal... blabla..
63. What game do you play often?
- Sushido!
64. Who are you missing right now?
- a friend.a special friend.
65. If you have to choose between friend and love, who will you choose?
-...F××K it.
66. What are you doing right now?
- Hitting the keypad.
67. Which primary school are you from?
- 1/2 Chung Hwa,1/2 Peir Chih.
68. Name 3 colours that you like.
- Red,Orange,Whitish Silver.
69. What emoticon you like to show?
- = =
70. What is your life to you?
- Challenging.
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
- Destroy it.
72. Who did you last chat on msn today?
- i prefer not to disclose.
73. Who do you admire most?
- Van Der Vaart.
74. Which month are you born in?
- March.
75. How are you feeling right now?
- Happy.
76. What's the time now?
- GMT +8 1921
77. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
- Black,the natural colour dye.
79. Why are you doing this?
- who knows?
80. What do you do when you're moody?
- Dreaming Out LOUD.
81. At which age you wish to get married?
- no marriage.
82. Who is more important to you?
- Everyone who cares bout me.
83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
-Hope tat it's not the last day of my life.
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
- Anyone who can make Man United crowned.
85. Do you believe in seeing rainbow after a rain?
- It's a Fact.and i believe it.
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
- to have every dream come true.
87. What is your goal for this year?
- many..
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
- if afterlife exist thn i do.
89. What feeling do you love most?
- Sweetness.
90. Do you really think its global warming now?
91. What feeling do you hate most?
- Every bad feeling.
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
- ya.
93.Do you believe in God?
- I believe god is an different thing.
94. Who cares for you most?
- My parents.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Enjoy life.
96. What will you bring when you fight
- A hand of friendship.
97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
- Failed to score more As in SPM.
98. What would you feel if no one longer cares for you?
- as long as i care for myself,i wont die.
99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
- Make it 3 for her.
100. How do you feel now?
- Disgusted.
到了传说中的yakin pandu,交上的borang,等了差不多两个钟,终于轮到我们P1的选手大显身手了。向前走了两步,我才发现那些马来仔个个已经磨拳擦掌,打算把他们的毕生功力都显露出来。(在kelantan,飚车虽然不是他们的正业,但是称作他们的饭碗也不为过。)而我,永远都坚守着不无牌驾驶的原则,所以对摩多一直都是敬而远之。
果然,就连大队里最脆弱的巫裔雌性生物一跃上坐骑,就生龙活虎起来。茫然下,我硬着头皮口口吃吃的向那位abang述说心中无奈。“Abang,sayo tok pandai bawok moto,tok pernoh bawok”我大胆承认。“demo pandai bawok basika ko?kalu pandai,mudoh sajo moto!”他是这样安慰着,显然对这样的情况非常的习惯了。
我无视别人的鄙视眼光,坚强的走向了泊放烂motor的地方,选了一辆当中最完整的motor,车牌好像是DS 8054,
身为一位单行车达人,我的天资绝对是聪明的,一点即通,一教就会,一学就精。十圈,就小菜一碟嘛,饭前甜点。到了起跑点,我上档,猛然的一捻油!心里期盼的强大后座力没有随之而来,低头一看,speedometer指着10km/h与20km/h的正中间。这该死的东西只能跑到15km/h?!你赶鸟咩?我跑都不只这个速度啦。就这样绕完了十圈,缓慢的十圈,没有刺激感的十圈,我请示教官的下一个命令,以为我可以投入正式的练习了。“eh,boleh doh,dapat L doh”教官一脸正经的表示。我木然十秒钟,然后涌上心里的第一个反应是:我X!我还百五块来驾你的老马咩?我这样上公路,不是随时被脚车撞?所以我很肯定,一个人能骗吃骗喝,未必是他自愿的,也可能是别人的漠视造成了。==
到了传说中的yakin pandu,交上的borang,等了差不多两个钟,终于轮到我们P1的选手大显身手了。向前走了两步,我才发现那些马来仔个个已经磨拳擦掌,打算把他们的毕生功力都显露出来。(在kelantan,飚车虽然不是他们的正业,但是称作他们的饭碗也不为过。)而我,永远都坚守着不无牌驾驶的原则,所以对摩多一直都是敬而远之。
果然,就连大队里最脆弱的巫裔雌性生物一跃上坐骑,就生龙活虎起来。茫然下,我硬着头皮口口吃吃的向那位abang述说心中无奈。“Abang,sayo tok pandai bawok moto,tok pernoh bawok”我大胆承认。“demo pandai bawok basika ko?kalu pandai,mudoh sajo moto!”他是这样安慰着,显然对这样的情况非常的习惯了。
我无视别人的鄙视眼光,坚强的走向了泊放烂motor的地方,选了一辆当中最完整的motor,车牌好像是DS 8054,
身为一位单行车达人,我的天资绝对是聪明的,一点即通,一教就会,一学就精。十圈,就小菜一碟嘛,饭前甜点。到了起跑点,我上档,猛然的一捻油!心里期盼的强大后座力没有随之而来,低头一看,speedometer指着10km/h与20km/h的正中间。这该死的东西只能跑到15km/h?!你赶鸟咩?我跑都不只这个速度啦。就这样绕完了十圈,缓慢的十圈,没有刺激感的十圈,我请示教官的下一个命令,以为我可以投入正式的练习了。“eh,boleh doh,dapat L doh”教官一脸正经的表示。我木然十秒钟,然后涌上心里的第一个反应是:我X!我还百五块来驾你的老马咩?我这样上公路,不是随时被脚车撞?所以我很肯定,一个人能骗吃骗喝,未必是他自愿的,也可能是别人的漠视造成了。==
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