
skcohs erutluc esrever~ (baca secara gostan)

i've been in Kl for quite some time now..
3 weeks...to be precise...
and the period will no longer lengthen as i'm going back to kb tomorrow...
and i'm sure i'm facing with a reverse culture shock...
my slang changed.
i tend to say things in "汉语拼音's 第四声" now...
and to add extra long sound effects by the end of sentence
which is actually unfinished.
as an example..
saying "这里很热" into "哎呀,真的是热到~~~~~~~~~~~ah!"
the lengthened pronunciation last vocal indicates the "extremeness of the situation which cant be equivocally express"
how special~
and also driving ways in kl.
in kl...
driving in lanes is everything.
to drive in ur lane...
it requires extreme coordination of ur brains and body.
lanes avoid accidents on the road.
oh i'll surely suffer while driving in kb after getting use to this.
in kb...
human organs are used differently.
u see...
most drivers still use their eyes to look while driving alright.
but the difference starts here.
the eyes thn send the signal to the ass...
the the ass will itch.
wat do ppl do when they itch?
yes they scratch of course~
defy "TRAGEDY"
-a couple of cars wrecked a few children dead and a car driver crying over his wrecked car.
and somehow...
in kb...
some ppl dun understand the concept and uses of lanes..
oh wait...
do lanes exist in kb?
in the world that blind driving is so much a popular sports...
where cloth-made head-wears are believed to be even more protective thn helmets..
where divine powers are believed to be protecting sincere devotees..
where 3 keping of red notes can make white-uniformed pak-ciks so happy...
until they relieved u of all ur wrong-doings..
i dun think lanes are something more thn some colourful lines on the road.
kota bharu come sokmo buke?
ah ya and btw...
kl is a city where individualism is a moral so important...
until it saves lives and is the main policy of living.
even kepercayaan kepada tuhan is less important compared to it...
oh there's a gruesome tale behind it.
however that's a tale for another time...
which i planned only to tell after i left kl...
to avoid being a subject of exact revenge...
i miss my unique kb slang anyway..
those "讲真eh","si bo","and"nia nia"...
huhu we are sure unique.

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